Zx flux ocean waves
Zx flux ocean waves

zx flux ocean waves

This disequilibrium can lead to ocean surface waves having a critical role in the atmosphere-ocean interaction. However, waves are not typically in equilibrium with the surface winds, with much of the energy of the wave field being contained in swell frequency bands (waves propagating faster than the winds Hanley et al., 2010 Semedo et al., 2011). Historically, the close covariation of waves with the ocean surface winds, by which they are forced, has typically led to waves being considered as a passive component in the atmosphere-ocean climate system. Ocean surface gravity waves (ocean waves hereafter) are ubiquitous across the worlds oceans. Because of this, fluxes across the atmosphere-ocean interface are key to understanding historical and future changes in climate. Previous work by England et al. ( 2014) indicates that ocean circulation change due to changes in momentum flux (wind stress) resulted in enhanced ocean heat uptake and the slowdown of the global atmospheric temperature warming in 2000s. In the 2000s, global atmospheric temperature warming seemed to have slowed down (Trenberth & Fasullo, 2013). However, in terms of heat, this comes at the price of thermosteric sea level rise (Levitus et al., 2012). The evidence for ocean warming due to increased ocean heat uptake (heat flux to ocean) is compelling (Balmaseda et al., 2013 Rhein et al., 2013 Roemmich et al., 2015). The rate of global warming is mediated by the uptake of heat and carbon by the ocean (Meehl et al., 2011). In addition to this imbalance at the top of atmosphere, heat flux imbalance at the atmosphere-ocean (and atmosphere-land) interface determines the global atmospheric temperature change.

zx flux ocean waves

Anthropogenic climate change is driven by a radiation imbalance between incoming solar radiation and outgoing thermal radiation at the top of the atmosphere that results from increased concentration of greenhouse gases. Global warming is now evident and both historical and future climate change must be accurately determined to guide future mitigation and adaptation efforts. These results highlight the important role of accounting for wave-dependent air-sea fluxes in terms of both simulating future climate and understanding changes over the recent historical period.

zx flux ocean waves zx flux ocean waves

Ocean wave-dependent fluxes improve the simulation of ocean heat storage through increasing the trend in ocean heat storage over the last three decades to be more in line with observed historical changes. Here we account for the impact of ocean surface waves on global ocean climate. However, the roles of ocean surface waves are ignored in the global climate model. Many previous studies found that the air-sea fluxes are controlled by ocean surface waves. Ocean surface waves exist everywhere in the global atmosphere-ocean interface. Accurate knowledge of momentum, heat, and carbon transfer at the atmosphere-ocean interface, so-called air-sea fluxes, is central to fully understanding the evolution of the climate system. The projection of climate change is important for assessment of impact on our environment, and the global climate model is used for the climate change projection. Climate change is one of the main issues of sustainable development.

Zx flux ocean waves